Monday, 5 September 2011

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Part 2

Today was a day of many telephone calls and to my great delight they were mostly to us. By 10.00am we had heard from our Client Liaison Officer chasing up our framing problem and our Site Supervisor who was on site to assessing the frames. Shortly afterwards the CEO of the framing company telephoned from South Australia offering his sincere  and genuine apology and to tell me what he had already organised to get us back on track. Shortly afterwards I was called by the Owner of McDonald Jones Homes, Mr Bill McDONALD to also ensure everything was on track and that we were being looked after.

Credit where credit is due, I must say that each and every person has greatly exceeded my expectations in terms of Customer Service. To receive telephone calls from both heads of companies was fantastic and really set our minds at ease. It demonstrated to us that even though these people are far removed from our end of the build they demonstrated that when things go amiss they are willing to step up and help resolve it quickly and with little delay. If all goes to plan, our new frames will be re-manufactured and be back on site for our initial framing day of Thursday. Fingers crossed all goes to plan.

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